Thursday, January 15, 2009

the nurses said he started their day off right. he never cried. he was a trooper and so was daddy (which is who i was worried about, he is a big softy). it was early, cold, snowy, and a little nerve racking. low and behold it was over and we were home before most people were even leaving for work. i am now selfishly hoping to sleep better at night :) and mostly thrilled that he should feel better right away. isn't he cute??


Keri said...

Oh Jennifer, he is SOOOOO sweet! Saw you this morning and said a little prayer for your sweet family (little did I know, you were on your way BACK from the procedure)...hope things get a little easier for you all now.

I'll be ready when Spring gets here to see each other and chat more often!

Dawn said...

You really should see a difference immediately!! We sure did with Courtney.

He is so adorable!!

You and Ashley should come to our little get together on the 23rd! Email me if you're interested. :)

Kimberly Kight said...

I'm so glad little man is doing good!! Love the pictures, and I'm glad Shane did okay too...LOL!!

Shehopper said...

OH...he could wear anything and be so adorable! I just love him.

Updated Blog!!!

I have been wanting to do this for some time, but please check out my new blog...all of my posts have linked so that was a success! :) MY N...