Wednesday, September 23, 2009

me and kat von d
i heart not because i love tattoos or because i love the minimal drama of the shop workers. what i love is that deep down inside, i know that kat and i have a lot in common. hardy har har some of you are thinking. well, among many other things she has shared on the show, recently she has been heavily burdened by the stories of her clients. she has begun to have one of the gals at the shop help her sit down and go through her journals to weed through her personal emotions after tattooing them and get down to their real stories in order to put them in a book. i have no tattoos, my husband on the other hand...well, he would finish covering his body if he had the time and the spare cash. i do appreciate the art behind them, but i also admire her genuine tone and respect when she is dealing with someone who's story behind their tattoo seems almost too heart wrenching to be true.
i feel like this in class almost every day. this year alone, i have 7 move-ins to my homeroom class only. that means 7 kids who have had to start a BRAND new school for their last year of elementary. it would not seem so bad except 5 of those are from such extreme situations that if i told you, you would question the truth. i will not only write about each of them in my own journal, but pray for their safety and well being every time they cross my mind. our moment of silence this year to start the day has taken on a whole new meaning to me. they don't know that i am using that time to ask the Lord to bless their day and make them feel safe and loved while i am on watch.
maybe kat and i can get together. i would tell her that i am proud of her over two years of sobriety. i can explain to her that she is right about writing helping to vent and express your true feelings. my 15 hours of graduate work taught me that...ha ha (as well as years of doing it). and maybe, just maybe, she could teach me how to apply rockin' eye make-up...but not permanently.

Updated Blog!!!

I have been wanting to do this for some time, but please check out my new blog...all of my posts have linked so that was a success! :) MY N...